01 June 2005

Somewhere Along Life’s Way (by Harry William Dayhoff)

Somewhere Along Life’s Way

When I’m relaxed my thoughts retreat
Back to a long forgotten day
I think about the friends I’ve met
Somewhere along life’s way.

I feel the handclasps that were pressed
I hear warm greetings they conveyed
I see the smiles from friends I’ve met
Somewhere along life’s way.

I see grins as broad as oceans
I sense the message they portrayed
I dream of times with friends I’ve met
Somewhere along life’s way.

I replay music that reminds me
Of favorite songs from yesterday
In harmony with friends I’ve met
Somewhere along life’s way.

I long again to trace my footsteps
To capture dreams that slipped away
I’ll forever hold dear friends I’ve met
Somewhere along life’s way.

I love to turn my memories on
And listen intently while they play
Orchestrations by friends I’ve met
Somewhere along life’s way.

I look backward not to whine or pout
But to count my blessings as I pray
Because of friends like you I’ve met
Somewhere along life’s way.

--Harry William Dayhoff (06-14-02)

29 May 2005

Still Life with Metaphor (by Barbara DeCesare)

Still Life with Metaphor

Not enough anchor to hold down the vessel
but too much weight to slip away.
Some girls became dancers
or doctors or wives
and I became sleepy
at the very first

by Barbara DeCesare